Our Employees

The Kilken plant has a small contingent of staff, approximately 27 staff members in total, as its operations are streamlined and largely automated.

Staff Members

Served with the Plant since inception

To our heroes in the field

The Kilken Plant experiences a very low turnover in staff, 75% of the staff having served with the Kilken Plant since its inception. The Kilken Plant offers its staff a production bonus as an incentive.

The know-how and years of experience of the Kilken Plant team gives it versatility to deal with a wide range of operating conditions which are pertinent to floatation plants.

We ensure maximum safety for our staff

The know-how and years of experience of the Kilken Plant team gives it versatility to deal with a wide range of operating conditions which are pertinent to floatation plants.


Health & safety

Kilken Platinum prides itself to Health and Safety. We ensure that all our staff members are protected from top to toe.

Our process is all about health and safety. Keeping our family out of harms way and we ensure health as a priority.

  • Lost Time Injury Free Days – 8064
  • Lost Time Injury Free Hours – 990 498
  • No Safety Incidents Reported for the Review Period
  • A Split in the Engineering was introduced to lower the Risk of Covid-19